We have about 40 bowlers that meet at Southtown Bowl each Tuesday at 9:00 AM. The season will start in the fall and lasts 31 weeks. We would like everyone to wear the green BAJ sport shirt, but it is not required.
We are looking for new bowlers. Whatever your average is, please join us.
On the 32nd week, we have a banquet. Last time it was at the KC Hall.
President: Dick Oesterich
952-881-2597 Dickandjane6@msn.com
Secretary/Treasurer: Ralph Hardgrove
952-882-0210 Rhardgrove38@hotmail.com
Location: Southtown Bowl 7941 Southtown Ctr, Bloomington
Day of Week: Thursday
Time: 1:00 PM to 3 PM
We have about 50 bowlers with 4 men on a team that meet each week at Southtown Bowl. Our oldest bowlers are at or nearing 90 years old and the youngest is in the 50's. Our season will start in the fall. Usual casual attire for bowling is all you need. We would like everyone to wear the white BAJ polo shirt, but it is not required. We bowl for turkeys the week before Thanksgiving, have a couple of No-Tap tournaments and end our season with a banquet at Mystic Lake Casino.
As in most of our BAJ sports, the bowling averages vary, so if you are not already one of us and would like to join, please contact:
Tom Backstrom - Sec/Treas at 952-465-8970